About Me
(AKA: "WHO the frak are you, man?")
How can you resist my 100% professional look? Vader T-Shirt, the tools of the trade in front of me. Success.
Hey you. I don't know how you got here, but I am glad you did. Here is a bit more about me.
I am a professional editor, writer, and content designer who cares about the words used in the stuff he loves: stories about pixelated heroes, series about space adventurers, games about fictional characters, articles about the meaning of life, and so many more.
I have more than 10 years of experience working as an editorial expert for many print and online publications and as a UX content designer/writer for gaming and tech companies. I specialize in anything geeky, from video games and anime to pop culture and science fiction.
I am storyteller at heart and an editor by profession. I love words. I love organizing teams. I love being a mentor and an educator.
I haven't written a book yet (not even a free e-book to lure you in), but when I do I'll let you know. The fireworks will tip you off.
I do have some degrees: a BA in English Language and Literature and a postgraduate degree in Applied Linguistics. I am proud of my accomplishments; as I am of my Pokémon trainer diploma.
This is my personal digital corner.
I hope you like it.
Personal Stuff
(AKA: I am a human being, dammit)
If you are reading this section, then you are either a stalker or really, really bored.
Either way, thank you. You are very brave.
If you make it to the end, you officially know me more than most of my closest friends.
Things I love:
(Almost) Everything Sci-Fi
Video games. Especially retro gaming and JRPGs
Freeform writing
Witty humor
Hot herbal tea. All day. Every day
Reading for pleasure
Intelligent conversations
Funny dangling modifiers
Word puns
Things I Dislike:
Influx of Information Breakdowns (yes, this is a thing)
Reality TV
Social Media
Corporate culture
Thinking too fast
Know-it-alls, Snobs
DLC in games
Places where the music is too loud to have a proper conversation
Procrastinating. I do it all the time. I hate it all the same